Posts Locator - Create A Proximity Search Form

Using the Posts Locator proximity search forms, the visitors of your site can search and find posts based on location, distance, categories, and more.

To create a Posts Locator form follow the steps below:

  1. Activate the set up the Posts Locator core extension.
  2. Navigate to GEO my WP Forms page ( dashboard -> GEO my WP -> Forms ).
  3. At the top of the Forms page, in the "Create new form" drop-down select box, select "Posts Locator".
  4. The page will reload and you will see the Form editor page. Using this form editor you can set up the different features of the form. See this article to learn more about the form editor page.
  5. Once you are done setting up the form, you can display it on any page using the shortcode [gmw form="form ID"] ( replace form ID with the ID of your form. You can see the list of available shortcodes in the "Form Usage" tab of the form editor.