Multiple Locations - Locations Dashboard Shortcodes

Use the Locations Dashboard shortcodes to display a dashboard of locations that belong to a specific object. Use this dashboard to create, edit, and delete the locations of the specific object.

Basic Locations Dashboard Shortcode

Below is the basic Locations Dashboard shortcode that can be used to display the dashboard of any object type. 


To define the object type of the dashboard you need to use the "object_type" shortcode as describe below.

Shortcode Attributes

Listed below are the shortcode attributes available for use with the [gmw_locations_dashboard] shortcode.

  • object_type - define the object type of the locations displayed in the dashboard. The available object types listed below:
    • post - used with the Posts Locator core extension.
    • member - used with the Members Locator core extension.
    • bp_group - used with the BuddyPress Groups Locator premium extension.
    • user - used with the WordPress Users Locator premium extension. 
  • object_id - the object ID which you would like to display its locations ( post ID, member ID, Group ID... ).
  • max_locations - limit the number of locations that can be created. By default, it is possible to create unlimited locations.

Shortcode Examples

Display the locations dashboard of a post with ID 1

[gmw_locations_dashboard object_type="post" object_id="1"]

Display the locations dashboard of a BuddyPress member with ID 2 and limiting the number of locations that can be created to 5

[gmw_locations_dashboard object_type="member" object_id="2" max_locations="5"]

Object Locations Dashboard Shortcodes

In addition to the basic Locations Dashboard shortcode mentioned above, which can display the locations dashboard of any object, there are 4 shortcodes that can be used to generate the locations dashboard of a specific object.

When using the shortcodes below you don't need to use the object_type shortcode attributeBut you do need to use the object_id attribute.

Display the locations dashboard of a specific post ( when using the Posts Locator core extension ):


Display the locations dashboard of a specific BuddyPress member ( when using the Members Locator core extension ):


Display the locations dashboard of a specific BuddyPress group ( when using the BuddyPress Groups Locator premium extension ):


Display the locations dashboard of a specific WordPress user ( when using the Users Locator premium extension ):
